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Do you want to max out one or more Holy or Shadow Immortals?

Then you want to read this article. It is no secret that Holy and Shadow are very expensive to max out, and you need to be aware of the fact that maxing 4x Immortals is not enough, as you also need to buy the dragon soul fragments to upgrade your dragon.

But if you do want that juicy and insanely strong Holy and/or Shadow march – this is the place for you. I have previously made a guide on how to unlock and max, for those who want to get it overwith quickly. This is a costly affair, as buying the 99$ bundle is highly inefficient. So my thought was to make an article all about efficiency… following this ticket scheme will save you 965,51$ for each Immortal!

Method 2: Efficiency mixed with speed (max in 8 events)

Okay, so this method is all about efficiency. Therefore, we will never buy the 99.99 USD pack, as it’s USD per spin is much higher than the rest.

Buy Raffle Tickets (spins)
CostTicketsPurchase limitUSD per spin
1x purchase of the 4 efficient packs84.9680

You need to ration your spins! Remember, we get rewards from completing the stages on the bonus-reward bar (see below). So we need to unlock the 50-reward and the 100-rewards on altering events since we cannot buy 100 spins efficiently. So, first event do 50, then do 100, then back to 50 to maximize the bonus bar rewards.

It will take a total of 22 Roulette events to max an Immortal in this way, but it will be significantly cheaper!

As you can see, you will need to buy 1,700 spins to get the 1,020 Fragments required to max an Immortal. But because we are purchasing 80 spins each time using only efficient packs, we spend a total of 21 x 84.96 plus the last event where we only need to buy 20 spins + 19.99 => Total cost to max Immortal = 1,804.15 USD

Comparatively, this is 965,51 USD cheaper than the quick method!

You need to follow the table below and make the right amount of spins each day over the course of 8 events total. We never want to overspend tickets and not get a nice bonus reward for it. Therefore we must be patient! For instance on the second event, we have 80 tickets available for the third day, but if we spend 50 on two more clears, we get no bonus reward – so waiting and spending them on the third event is far more efficient.

Follow this scheme every day of the 8 events and you can max out shadow and holy immortals in the most efficient way!

DaySpins madeTickets boughtFragment RewardsSpins availableLeft over spins
Day 15080308030
Day 2100806011010
Day 35080309040
Day 1100806012020
Day 210080601000
Day 308008080
Day 1100806016060
Day 2100806014040
Day 3100806012020
Day 110080601000
Day 25080308030
Day 350803011060
Day 1100806014040
Day 2100806012020
Day 310080601000
Day 15080308030
Day 2100806011010
Day 35080309040
Day 1100806012020
Day 210080601000
Day 308008080
Day 110020601000

Method 3: Ultimate efficiency – 17 events but cheap!

DaySpins made this eventSpin tickets bought this eventFragment RewardsSpins available this eventLeft over spins tickets
Day 12535103510
Day 22535104520
Day 3503520555
Event 1 Bonus20
Day 12535104015
Day 22535105025
Day 35035206010
Event 2 Bonus20
Day 12535104520
Day 22535105530
Day 35035206515
Event 3 Bonus20
Day 12535105025
Day 25035206010
Day 32535104520
Event 4 Bonus20
Day 12535105530
Day 25035206515
Day 32535105025
Event 5 Bonus20
Day 12535106035
Day 25035207020
Day 32535105530
Event 6 Bonus20
Day 15035206515
Day 22535105025
Day 325010250
Event 7 Bonus20
Day 12535103510
Day 22535104520
Day 3503520555
Event 8 Bonus20
Day 12535104015
Day 2503520500
Day 32535103510
Event 9 Bonus20
Day 12535104520
Day 2503520555
Day 32535104015
Event 10 Bonus20
Day 1503520500
Day 22535103510
Day 32535104520
Event 11 Bonus20
Day 1503520555
Day 22535104015
Day 32535105025
Event 12 Bonus20
Day 15035206010
Day 22535104520
Day 32535105530
Event 13 Bonus20
Day 15035206515
Day 22535105025
Day 325010250
Event 14 Bonus20
Day 12535103510
Day 22535104520
Day 3503520555
Event 15 Bonus20
Day 12535104015
Day 2503520500
Day 32535103510
Event 16 Bonus20
Day 12535104520
Day 2503520555
Day 3252010250
Event 17 Bonus20

Published: 16-02-2022

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