Water Castle lvl 35 Build (w. Merlin & Attila)
This guide is part of my article series on water builds. If this build is not to your likeing, have a look at the rest of my builds on the water build page. I have multiple builds for any taste available, IB, PvE, arena/ToS builds and F2P/cheap builds.
This article is for new developing players and part of my guide series which includes builds for Castle level 20, level 30, level 35 and level 40. These builds are made for the average player who unlocks Merlin and later Attila but is not whaling hard.

A Castle level 35 guide to Water
At Castle level 35, you have unlocked a lot of the most powerful Tower of Knowledge Passives in Infinity Kingdom. Before we get into the setup you should run at this stage, let’s take a closer look at the new passives you have unlocked since the previous guide (level 30). Let’s see which are particular powerful.
New S-tier passives: Cleave, Malice, Oaken Guard, Absolute Defense
New A-tier passives: Rage Blessing, Dual Master, Berserk, Blessing of War
New B-tier passives: Sacrifice, Life Link
New C-tier passives: Demon Body
New F-tier passives: Will of Angels

At Castle level 35 you are assumed to have Attila in your stable of Immortals and to have maxed the star ranks on the core Immortals in play. In this guide we attempt to zero in on the average player and where he or she is at in terms of Immortals and Passives around Castle level 35. It is based on an average player accounts and experiances with where we expect to be at around this progress level.
Special thank you to Jessica who has been the primary driver, inspiration and brains behinds all of this!
At this point in your progress, we are assuming you have unlocked Attila.
You are still running the same setup being: Merlin, Yoshi, Harald and Attila.
Note that if you have not unlocked Attila at this stage, you want to go have a look at my non-Attila water guides.

Passive (ToK) setup
At this point in your progress, you most likely have 5 stars on Merlin, 5 stars on Yoshi, 5 stars on Attila and 7 stars on Harald.
Just like star-ranks is based on an estimate of where you are likely to be at in this stage of progess, the level of each passive e.g. (3) or (5) is a rough estimate of where you are at this point in time based on player inputs and experiance.
You should run the following passive setup at this stage:
Merlin: Concentration (5) + Fire/Toxic Nova (5)
Yoshi: Anger (5) + Cleave (5)
Harald: Oaken Guard (5) + Resist (5) + Malice (5)
Attila: Adrenaline Rush (5) + Fighting Master (3)

If you are struggling to obtain enough Purple Crystals to upgrade your passives to the above levels, you can run Harald a little bit differently by relyin on the passives we had in play at Castle level 30. If you are in this situation, Harald can be changes like this:
FROM: Harald: Oaken Guard (5) + Resist (5) + Malice (5) and Attila: Adrenaline Rush (5) + Fighting Master (3)

INTO: Harald: Oaken Guard (5) + Physical Shield (3) + Chaotic Blade/Garrote (3) and Attila: Adrenaline Rush (5) + Malice (5)

If your primary PvP problems are fighting other Merlin setups, you can prioritize Resist over Oaken Guard, just beware that in late game Oaken becomes a must have and Resist a second tier passives best used on your second or third march.
Continue to Water Build for Castle level 40 to see what you should be building towards as you continue your journey in Norheim!
Published: 27-09-2022