Alliance Development Technology Priority (tiered)
Alliance technology is a crucial aspect of Infinity Kingdom that can significantly increase the power and development of an alliance. By investing in the right technology, alliances can gain important buffs and upgrades that can help them in both growth and war aspects of the game. In this article, we will provide you with a tier list of the most important growth technologies that alliances should prioritize.
Having rapid tech development in a new alliance on new servers is absolutely crucial and all members should be encourage to gem alliance technology daily. For new alliances gemming is cheap and should be done by everyone to get a nice boost at the beginning of a new server/alliance.

Technology tiers

S Tier:
The top tier of growth technologies includes Big Family, Brothers-In-Arms, AP Recovery, Rapid March, Lower Attack Cost, Knife Through Butter, and Garrison Attack. These technologies are essential for any alliance looking to grow quickly and effectively.
Big Family: This technology increases the maximum number of alliance members, allowing for a larger pool of players to help with development and defense.
Brothers-In-Arms: This technology increases the speed at which alliance members can help each other. This is particularly important for speeding up construction and research tasks.
AP Recovery: This technology increases the speed at which alliance members can recover their action points, allowing for more tasks to be completed each day.
Rapid March: This technology increases the marching speed of alliance members, making it easier to move troops around the map and respond to threats quickly.
Lower Attack Cost: This technology reduces the amount of attack resources required to attack other players, making it easier to launch attacks and gain resources.
Knife Through Butter: This technology increases the damage dealt by troops to enemy walls, making it easier to penetrate enemy defenses.
Garrison Attack: This technology increases the damage dealt by troops defending a garrison, making it harder for enemies to capture your buildings.

A tier:
The second tier of growth technologies includes Wall Breaker, Quick Response, Assembly Charge, and Bowmen Load. These technologies are also important for alliance growth, but not as essential as those in the S tier.
Wall Breaker: This technology increases the damage dealt by troops to enemy walls, making it easier to penetrate city defenses.
Quick Response: This technology reduces the time it takes for troops to return to the city after an attack or defense, allowing for quicker recovery and response times.
Assembly Charge: This technology increases the marching speed of troops, making it easier to move troops around the map and respond to threats quickly.
Bowmen Load: This technology increases the number of resources bowmen can carry. Since we are running two bowmen in every march you get double value from this load tech.

B tier:
The third tier of growth technologies includes SP Recovery, Iron, Food, Wood, Stone Gatherer, Shieldmen Load, Spearmen Load, and Cavalry Load. These technologies are helpful for alliance growth, but not as essential as those in the S and A tiers.
SP Recovery: This technology increases the speed at which SP are recovered, allowing for more Well of Time raids to be completed each day.
Resource Gatherer: These technologies increase the amount of resources gathered from resource nodes, making it easier to accumulate resources for development.
Shieldmen Load, Spearmen Load, and Cavalry Load: These technologies increase the carrying capacity of different types of troops, allowing for more resources to be gathered or more troops to be deployed.

C tier:
The fourth tier of growth technologies includes Iron, Food, Wood, and Stone Tax, Lower Garrison Cost, and Fast Garrison. These technologies are not as important as those in the S, A, and B tiers, but can still be useful for alliance growth.
Iron, Food, Wood, and Stone Tax: These technologies increase the amount of resources gained from taxes, providing a small boost to overall resource accumulation.
Lower Garrison Cost: This technology reduces the resources required to place troops in a friendly players garrison.
Fast Garrison: This technology increases the speed at which troops are garrisoned. It is a nice quality-of-life improvement, but not a top priority.

F tier:
Fortification Damage: This technology increases the damage dealt by your alliance’s structures when defending against enemy attacks. While it may seem useful, it is not a high priority. It is better to focus on improving the power of your troops through other technologies.
Win the Peace: This technology provides a small increase city shields after a siege. It is not a high priority, and should only be invested in if there are no other more important technologies left to research.
Guard the Peace: This technology provides a small increase in the rewards gained from defending a city siege. It is also not a high priority, and should only be invested in if there are no other more important technologies left to research.
In conclusion, investing in the right Alliance Development Technology is crucial for both the growth and success of your alliance in Infinity Kingdom. By prioritizing the S and A tiers, your alliance will see significant improvements in various areas, including troop power, resource management, and battle effectiveness. It is important to communicate with your alliance members and come up with a plan for which technologies to prioritize based on your alliance’s specific needs and goals. With the right strategy, your alliance can become a force to be reckoned with in the world of Infinity Kingdom.
Published: 28-03-2023