Alliance Progression

Infinity Kingdom is a popular game where players build and manage their kingdoms. A big part of the game is forming alliances with other players and working together towards common goals. One of the most important aspects of alliance management is upgrading alliance technology. In this article, we’ll provide a guide on how to progress alliance technology in the most effective way.

There are two main types of alliances in Infinity Kingdom, each with different end goals: Main alliances and Alt alliances. The first type is a main alliance, which needs as much combat power as possible. The second type is an “alt-alliance” focused on resource farming. We’ll provide separate guides for each type.
Guide for Main Alliances
The first step towards progress for a main alliance is to unlock and upgrade the Alliance Core tech: Big Family. This will allow you to fill more members into the alliance and upgrade alliance technology faster. The alliance leader and members should work together to donate resources towards upgrading the Alliance technology.

Once the Alliance tech Big Family is upgraded, the focus should be on upgrading alliance troop technology. The goal is to improve the combat power of the alliance, which will come in handy during battles. The troop technology that should be prioritized are bowmen, shieldmen, and cavalry.
Bowmen should be the first priority as they are used by two immortal types in any army. Shieldmen and cavalry are the next most commonly used troops and should be the focus after bowmen.

In addition to troop technology, main alliances also need vast territory and continuously upgrading Big Family for more members. It’s important to unlock and upgrade alliance core tech that increase territory and roster. This allows the alliance to expand its territory and collect more resources. The alliance leader should also recruit new members and work on increasing the overall power of the alliance.
We recommend progressing in two stages:
Stage 1: Focus on upgrading the Alliance core and unlocking all alliance territories and the full roster size. Donate resources towards upgrading the Alliance.
Stage 2: Focus on upgrading troop technology, starting with bowmen, then shieldmen and cavalry.
Guide for Alt-Alliances
The focus of an alt-alliance is on farming resources. Unlike main alliances, alt-alliances do not need as much combat power. Instead, the focus should be on upgrading resource collection. The first step is to unlock and upgrade the Alliance core tech.

Once the Alliance Center is upgraded, the focus should be on upgrading alliance technology that increases resource collection. The two most important technology upgrades for alt-alliances are Tax Collection and Player Resource Node Collection. Tax Collection allows the alliance to collect taxes from members’ kingdoms, while Player Resource Node Collection allows alliance members to collect resources from each other’s resource nodes.

In addition to upgrading resource collection technology, alt-alliances should focus on increasing the number of resource nodes owned by alliance members. This can be done by upgrading the Resource Node structure and by recruiting members who have a lot of resource nodes.
We recommend progressing in three stages:
Stage 1: Focus on upgrading the Alliance core tech and unlocking all alliance roster slots. Donate resources towards upgrading the Alliance and get Vast Territory and Big Family asap.

Stage 2: Focus on upgrading Tax Collection and Player Resource Node Collection. Upgrade the Resource Node structure to increase the number of resource nodes owned by alliance members.

Stage 3: Continue upgrading resource collection technology and alliance structures. Work on recruiting members who have a lot of resource nodes.

In conclusion, upgrading alliance technology is an important aspect of Infinity Kingdom gameplay. Whether you’re in a main alliance or an alt-alliance, the key is to work together with alliance members and focus on the right upgrades. With the tips provided in this guide, you should be able
Published: 26-03-2023