5-day-bundles: High Value Dragon Essences and Immortals
The in-game shop has a relatively recent addition to the usual bundles – a 5 day combo bundle. The concept is that you can purchase a bundles each day and once you have purchased 5 days you get a bonus. There are two types of these 5 day bundles, ther are Immortal ones and Artifact ones.
In this article we shall have a look at the super-value that is the “2$ Immortal 5-day-pack” (appologies for the long name).
The Artifact ones are expensive and reward a unique artifact upon 5-day purchase. To back to the shop bundle article collection for more information.
Immortal 5-day bundles
Each time a 5-day bundles comes around, it is a new Immortal on sale. The Immortals rotate and so far it is comfirmed that you can get: El Cid, Saladin, Alexander, Attila from these bundles.
Every day you puchase the 2$ bundle, you recieve rewards of high value. Since the release of Dragon Specializations (patch 2.3) you will get rotating rewards from the daily bundle.
The first day you can get 1x dragon essence + some addidional nice additionals.
The second day you get 3x philosopher stones, dragon crystal chest + some nice additionals.
The third day you can get 1x dragon essence + some addidional nice additionals.
The fourth day you get 3x philosopher stones, dragon crystal chest + some nice additionals.
The fifth day you can get 1x dragon essence + some addidional nice additionals…. (see a pattern?)
The fifth day you also unlock the featured reward = 60 fragments for the Epic Immortal.
In total you spend 10 bucks to get 3x dragon essences, 6x philosopher stones, 60 epic Immortal fragments, 8 hours of speeds, some gold n a few buffs. INSANE VALUE!

Published: 07-09-2022