Find people to play with – join an alliance!

We need … you!
Friends are wonderful
First of all, Infinity Kingdom is many things. It is a PvE game, a PvP Brawl, a frustration, a joy and a place to make friends. One of the best aspects of this game is imo the emphasis on community building and cooperation both between alliance members, between alliances and even between servers. For this reason alone, you should never be alone in Infinity Kingdom.
There are also a range of rewards we shall go over, but first of all I want to highlight a new feature of patch 1.9 – the Alliance Recruitment page.
Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3: You are now on the alliance recruitment page. This is a neat feature by the dev team, as it allows you to review all alliances on all servers in a single location – you can search for servers inside your own server, across servers, across kingdoms and filter languages.
If you have not found a good community for yourself in Infinity Kingdom yet – there is no excuse anymore! Go make friends!

Published: 25-02-2022