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I have passed 1100 gnome camps recorded now and I have found out all the new army compositions the gnomes lvl 40-50 uses as well as the drops I have gotten on every single kill. Enjoy!

Gnome camps level 40-50

With the introduction of level 50 gnomes, the above has obviously changed for end game players. It is currently hard to say which gnome camps are the best to kill. This is because the new level 40-50 gnomes are not pure elemental marches anymore (like above). Instead, the new camps are all mixed elemental types – the airship is ALWAYS fire.

Gnome LevelTryntBakanRogueRecommended PowerEXPLoot Quality
411x earth 2x wind 2x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire17300021598Epic
421x earth 2x wind 2x fire2x lightning 3x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire18300022974Epic
432x earth 2x wind 1x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 2x wind 1x fire18500023505Epic
441x earth 2x wind 2x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire19200024938Epic
451x earth 2x wind 2x fire2x lightning 3x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire19800026113Epic
462x earth 2x wind 1x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 2x wind 1x fire20500027618Epic
471x earth 2x wind 2x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire21100028845Epic
481x earth 2x wind 2x fire2x lightning 3x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire21800030422Epic
492x earth 2x wind 1x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 2x wind 1x fire22500031701Epic
501x earth 2x wind 2x fire3x lightning 2x fire2x water 1x lightning 1x wind 1x fire23500033901Epic

Update on Drop Chances of New Equipment (1.8)

With the introduction of these new gnome camps (patch 1.8) we can now also recieve new equipment loot. See full guide on new equipment here!

We all want that new strong equipment as an upgraded Epic+ with elemental bonus. Question is, what is the most efficient way to get them? We can no longer go by elemental types to improve our efficiency, instead we must try and figure out what the drop rates are on the different levels and then find a level suitable to your own strength (minimal losses) to find a balance between troop losses and equipment loot.

In the table below, I have summerized my findings so far – I will continue to update this table.

As you can see below, the drops are VERY inconsistent. This means, you should not put too much emphasis on the actual percentage value below. It seems very random with drops at the moment and with drop swings between 4-5 items and 0 per camp, we likely need to get min above 1,000 kills each before we can start to make educated guesses at the actual chance to drop the desired item.

What I take away from the raids I have done so far, is that it is hard to see any upside from pushing the gnome level to the edge of your abilities. So instead you should farm whatever level you can comfortably kill with low losses.

Camp lvlCamps killedold ele gearnew normalnew plusnew elenew plus ele
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