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Battle Reports: Sources of Damage Dealt during combat

It is incredibly important to be able to read and understand battle reports and the implications of the information you are given here. There is quite a lot of information to be had from battle reports on the damage dealt by your Immortals in your army as well as the damage taken, types of damage, critical hits, buffs, control and much more.

In this guide we are going to dive into Damage Dealt. That means the damage that your Immortals is dealing to the enemy during the combat. As such, we are going to investigate:

(1) The sources of damage from each of your Immortals and your Tower of Knowledge skills

In this guide we are taking a closer look at the first point on interest in our journey into Battle Reports – the sources of damage dealt during combat.

Sources of damage dealt

There are many different sources of damage in any army setup. Most obvious, each of your Immortals deal damage both with their Autoattacks (normal attacks) and with their Ultimate Abilities. Furthermore, depending on the Tower of Knowledge skills you have equipped on each Immortal they will generate more damage from these sources.

Some Tower of Knowledge skills do not deal damage in themselves but instead enhance the damage, defense, or energy regeneration of your Immortals. Understanding when to use which passive to enhance an Immortal is very important and it all boils down to understanding the basics of what kind of damage and how much your immortal deals. More detailed information about this in future guides and on the Tower of Knowledge Passive Skill guides found on this website.

Auto attacks

Every Immortal has a normal attack, every time they swing their weapon they deal a standard ‘white-hit-autoattack’ which in the report is written as “Normal attacks”. When you open up a battle report and select an Immortal, you can see the types of damage dealt. Here you can see the normal attacks as highlighted in the image below.

As you can see, different Immortals deal very different amounts of damage with their normal attack, this is because of two things: Firstly, the normal attack is Physical Damage and as such Immortals with higher physical attack attributes also deal more damage with these normal attacks. Boosting your Physical Damage via ToK skills or equipment increases the damage of each of these hits. Furthermore, every Immortal has a hidden attribute: Their Attack Speed.

Attack speed is not shown explicitly to the player in the Immortals attribute tab, it is however easily derived from reviewing your battle reports. As you can see below, Alexander we can infer with certainty that Alexander has greater physical attack stats AND greater attack speed than Zenobia. This makes sense, as Alexander is a frontline damage physical damage dealer whereas Zenobia is a backline support healer.

Ultimate Abilities

Every Immortal in Infinity Kingdom has a unique Ultimate Ability that defines it and its role in combat. These typically (a) deal damage in form of either physical or magical damage, (b) provide healing or utility or (c) inflict control mechanics during combat. For the purposes of this guide we are only interested in the damage aspect of ultimate abilities however these are intertwined with many more effects on most of the Immortals in the game. While damage is important, understanding these other effects are also paramount in building your setup. However, it is a topic much too large for this article and deserves a dedicated guide.

An example hereof is Hippolyta here is dealing physical damage + provides a unique form of control by removing energy from the enemies struck by her Ultimate Attacks.

Another example is William, he deals a fair bit of damage with his ultimate and on top of it, he provides a nice buff to your army in the form of added chance to critical hit.

We also have pure-damage dealing ultimate abilities, think of Empress Wu who is capable of dishing out a ton of burst damage with her Ultimate Ability, but in return that is all it does – deals damage.

As you can see in this image, by selecting Empress Wu in your battle report you gain access to all the information generated during combat specifically relating to her. You can see her Ultimate Ability in the highlighted area.

Tower of Knowledge skills

Tower of Knowledge skills comes in many different forms and have many very different effects. You can read much more about these skills under the specific theme here on the website. For the purposes of this guide, what we are interested in is the Damage provided by Tower of Knowledge skills.

Reading the damage output of a specific Tower of Knowledge passive or skill varies. For the simpler skills which ‘simply’ deals damage when equipped, you can click the Immortal with the skill and see clearly the reported amounts of damage dealt by this specific skill during combat, much like you see the damage of Ultimate abilities.

However, the more ‘tricky’ passives which does not simply deal damage by themselves but instead enhance your other abilities can be more difficult to see directly in the battle report. For example, running Alexander with Anger adds an incredible 30% more physical damage, which in itself it not noted down anywhere. Instead, it is added to each of the types of physical damage dealt. If you complete the same or a very similar combat scenario over and over again both with and without Anger loaded, you can see the difference in the damage output of his other attacks.

Many Immortals are not as simple as Alexander and rely on their ultimate abilities to deal damage. These types of Immortals in turn also benefit greatly from added energy regeneration. Something which also can be rather difficult to see clearly – there is however one way to test how your Immortal scales with added energy regen, and that is by reviewing the amounts of casts made during combat. Obviously, this should be seen in relation to the timer on the combat to get a sense of the added energy regeneration translating into more casts of a given ultimate ability.

It is also VERY important to note that when it comes to energy regeneration, we are oftentimes not looking for the added damage output throughout the entire combat – instead what we are looking for is getting the first cast to go off quicker. For example, running Genghis Khan you want the massive AOE burst to hit before the enemy casts their ultimate abilities because reducing enemy troop count means they in turn deal less damage back at you. Furthermore, Genghis Khan provides a debuff known as Wounds to the enemy, which is incredibly powerful against enemies that rely on healing effects.

In this example below, we are looking to get Richard to hit with his stun before the lightning dragon strikes with its breath attack. This is because the breath deals increased damage to stunned enemies and as such Richard stunning just before the breath has significant effect on the proceeding battle.

Published: 12-05-2023