Dragon Talents versus Portrait Levels
Dragon Portrait Levels vs. Dragon Talent Tree: A Strategic Guide
One of the common dilemmas players face in the game is whether to prioritize upgrading Dragon Portrait levels or Dragon Talent Tree. The decision is not always straightforward, and it often depends on your current progress in the game.

In this guide, we’ll explore the factors that influence this choice and provide recommendations on when to transition between these two essential aspects of your dragon’s development.
It Depends on Your Progress
The choice between upgrading Dragon Portrait levels and Dragon Talent Tree is highly dependent on your current status in the game. Let’s break down the key considerations:
1. Portrait Level Costs
Dragon Portrait levels come with an array of attribute bonuses, which can significantly enhance your dragon’s power. However, it’s important to note that as you progress through portrait levels, the costs increase rapidly. At some point, you’ll find yourself spending thousands of crystals for relatively small stat upgrades.
Level | Dragon Crystals | Gold |
1 | 20 | 20 |
2 | 32 | 40 |
3 | 47 | 60 |
4 | 68 | 80 |
5 | 92 | 110 |
6 | 112 | 150 |
7 | 155 | 190 |
8 | 194 | 230 |
9 | 236 | 280 |
10 | 284 | 340 |
11 | 349 | 420 |
12 | 408 | 490 |
13 | 471 | 570 |
14 | 539 | 650 |
15 | 612 | 730 |
16 | 689 | 830 |
17 | 771 | 930 |
18 | 858 | 1,000,000 |
19 | 949 | 1,100,000 |
20 | 1000 | 1,300,000 |
21 | 1400 | 1,600,000 |
22 | 1500 | 1,800,000 |
23 | 1600 | 1,900,000 |
24 | 1800 | 2,100,000 |
25 | 1900 | 2,300,000 |
26 | 2000 | 2,500,000 |
27 | 2200 | 2,600,000 |
28 | 2400 | 2,800,000 |
29 | 2500 | 3,000,000 |
30 | 2700 | 3,200,000 |
31 | 2900 | 3,500,000 |
32 | 3100 | 3,700,000 |
33 | 3300 | 3,900,000 |
34 | 3500 | 4,200,000 |
35 | 3700 | 4,400,000 |
36 | 3900 | 4,600,000 |
2. Talent Tree Progress
On the other hand, your Dragon Talent Tree offers unique nodes and abilities that can be game-changing. If you’ve already invested heavily in your talents and have acquired most of the essential nodes, then the marginal benefits from further talent investments may be diminishing. In such cases, focusing on portrait levels becomes more attractive.

3. Top Talent Nodes
Certain nodes in the Dragon Talent Tree are particularly valuable and should be prioritized. These include:
- Armor: Providing damage reduction.
- Claw: Enhancing your dragon’s damage output.
- Damage Reduction: Reducing incoming damage.
- Unique Nodes: Any unique abilities your dragon possesses in the talent tree.

These nodes have a substantial impact on your dragon’s performance, making them essential for your strategy.
4. Portrait Bonuses vs. Talent Nodes
Comparatively, Dragon Portrait levels offer incremental attribute bonuses with each upgrade. However, the cost of these levels increases quickly. For example, a minor node for physical attack in your Dragon Portrait may provide 30 – 60 – 90 attribute bonuses, with costs of 150 – 300 – 450 dragon crystals.

5. A Balanced Approach
To make an informed decision, consider adopting a balanced approach. Start by upgrading the initial and relatively inexpensive levels of your Dragon Portrait to bolster your dragon’s overall stats. Then, focus on completing your Dragon Talent Tree by acquiring essential nodes, including the top talent nodes mentioned earlier.
6. The Ideal Transition Point
Determining the ideal transition point between Dragon Portrait and Talent Tree upgrades is crucial. An efficient strategy is to invest in your Dragon Portrait levels until you reach around level 15-20. At this stage, you should have a strong foundation of attribute bonuses.
Once you have acquired all the critical nodes in your Dragon Talent Tree, you can return to upgrading your Dragon Portrait levels. This approach ensures that you strike a balance between incremental stat boosts and acquiring game-changing abilities.
In conclusion, the decision to upgrade Dragon Portrait levels or Dragon Talent Tree depends on your current progress and priorities. The most efficient strategy is often to begin with Dragon Portrait levels, transition to the Talent Tree after acquiring essential abilities, and return to Portrait upgrades once you’ve reached a particular level. By understanding the balance between these two aspects, you can maximize your dragon’s potential and achieve success in the game.
Published: 07-11-2023