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Adrenaline Rush nerfed hard?

With the release of patch 2.8.1, Infinity Kingdom introduced a major adjustment to one of the most popular and widely-used Tower of Knowledge skills: Adrenaline Rush.

Previously a go-to skill for utility, supports, and high-ult uptime builds, Adrenaline Rush has now been significantly nerfed, and its impact across multiple Immortal roles is worth breaking down in detail.

Let’s look at:

  • What exactly changed
  • How big the nerf really is
  • Which Immortals are most affected
  • Whether this skill is still worth using in the current meta

🧠 Adrenaline Rush – Before & After Patch 2.8.1

Adrenaline Rush (Pre-2.8.1):

Every Normal Attack has a 50% chance of gaining (45 + 15 per level) Energy.
At max level: 150 Energy per proc.

Adrenaline Rush (Post-2.8.1):

Every Normal Attack has a 50% chance of gaining (30 + 10 per level) Energy.
At max level: 100 Energy per proc.

📉 That’s a 33% reduction in energy gain at max level.

⚠️ Why This Is a Big Deal

This change drastically impacts how effective Adrenaline Rush is across the board—especially for slow attack speed Immortals.

  • 150 → 100 energy per proc might not sound catastrophic at first glance, but in a game where ultimate timing defines matchups, this has massive ripple effects.
  • You now need significantly more procs to maintain the same ultimate uptime.

💀 Biggest Casualties – Who Suffers Most

Slow Attack Speed Immortals

Immortals with fewer normal attacks per fight suffer the most. These include:

  • Support Immortals like Charles, Zenobia, or even Tokugawa
  • Utility units used to manipulate crowd control, cleanse, or apply buffs/debuffs

💬 Before: You could patch their poor energy regen using Adrenaline Rush.
💬 Now: Their low attack frequency means fewer procs AND less energy per proc, resulting in drastically reduced ult usage.

⚔️ Survivors – Who Can Still Use It

High Attack Speed Immortals

Fast-hitting physical Immortals can still find some use for the skill thanks to sheer volume of hits, even if each proc gives less:

  • Hippolyta – Still viable due to attack speed scaling and energy-hungry ultimate
  • Alexander (without unique artifact) – Gains moderate benefit with the right build
  • Attila (with energy-centric builds) – Can still leverage energy cycling if paired with regen auras or items

💡 Key Takeaway: If the Immortal naturally hits fast, Adrenaline Rush can still offer value, albeit less than before.

💭 Meta Relevance – Is It Still Worth Using?

With the emergence of newer, more efficient energy or DPS-focused skills, Adrenaline Rush is starting to fall behind. The nerf in 2.8.1 only accelerates this shift.

🔻 Previously:

  • A must-have skill for many early and mid-game builds
  • Especially useful for supports who lacked native regen

🔻 Now:

  • Outclassed in many roles by stronger ToK skills
  • Only viable in attack-speed-focused compositions or synergy builds and possibly only in synergy with attack speed modifiers.

🎯 Verdict – Current Use Cases

Immortal TypeUse After Nerf?Notes
Fast AttackersStill ViableWorks in synergy with Chase/AR builds
Slow SupportsNo Longer RecommendedToo few procs; not enough energy gained
Generalists⚠️ SituationalOnly use if no better energy skill option
Mid-game PvE BuildsOkay OptionEarly game players may still find it useful

Summary – What Patch 2.8.1 Means for Adrenaline Rush

  • Adrenaline Rush was nerfed from 150 → 100 energy per proc at max level
  • The nerf hits low-speed Immortals hard, making it no longer reliable for supports
  • High-speed physical attackers can still make use of it—especially if part of energy-cycle teams
  • The skill is becoming more niche, and is best paired with attack speed modifiers or synergistic kits

💬 Final Thought:
Adrenaline Rush has moved from “core pick” to “conditional niche tool.” Use it wisely, and only where it fits naturally into your team’s rhythm.

Would you like a tier list update, visual comparison chart, or an updated build suggestion section for post-2.8.1 energy regen strategies? I’d be happy to help!

Published: 27-03-2025