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Garrisons are an important mechanic to know and understand for player versus player (PvP) combat in Infinity Kingdom. We use garrisons for defending our friends when they are being attacked by enemies at equal or greater power. Garrisons are an awesome tool, because they are away of pooling strength with our allies. By pooling power we can overcome a stronger foe.

You CAN garrison while you have shields on. Garrisons will not trigger Bloody Rage debuffs, leaving you safe to defend your allies from a shield.

How to garrison

You want to setup with your fellow alliance players, let’s say you found a whale you need to kill as a team since he is much more powerful than any one of you. What can you do? You can setup a shield-hive.

The strongest player amongst you should lead rallies, however this leaves your friend open to being attacked since he cannot shield himself (Bloody Rage). This person cannot shield, as he/she will get Bloody Rage debuff when sending a rally. This is why the hive it needed – strength in numbers!

You want to place other team mates around the rallier like on the below image.

Everyone around the rallier must send garrisons to defend your friend from the big player.

Garrison to defend against the bigger player

Send a garrison

My Territory is the one leading the rallies and my fellow BKU castles are assisting me in my rallies and garrisoning me to defend against the whales counter attacks.

All my alliance friends are garrisoning me by simply clicking my castle and hitting “Assist” and then assisting by sending my strongest march possible to garrison.

Whales hurt

This is the best way to kill and defend against whales. By pooling your marches, you are able to kill a much stronger opponent. However, you also need to be aware of the mechanics at play here. Your rallies and garrisons are fighting the enemy player 1 at a time right after each other. The power of a rally comes from the buffs (alliance tech) and from the fact that the whales army defending at his gates, does not get to refresh troop count from training grounds in between attacks. This means that you slowly grind him down untill one of your marches (you can have 5 in each rally) is able to beat the stronger player.

This also means, that the first maybe 2-4 marches you send in your rally will likely be absolutely murdered and you will incur heavy losses. Likewise, the target will gain a ton of honor since he is killing a lot of troops before you finally defeat him.

This makes it a double edged sword. It is still very powerful to fight in rally-clusters, and you are able to zero very big whales in this way. But it is by no means easy or cheap and you should expect big losses when you go whale-hunting!

Published: 02-09-2022