Round 7 – Begin!

Get ready, spider enthusiasts! We are thrilled to announce the next round of the Cross-Server Spider Competition, set to kick off on October 18th, at 00:01 and run until November 2nd, at 23:59 (UTC time).

Submission and participation is via the official Infinity Kingdom Discord found here: Rewards and submission info: 『』event-chat
Submissions for this round of the spider-event will be made using a new Discord Bot (thank you mod-team!) this means that players are only able to submit ONCE per round. So make sure you make your hit count and upload it once you are happy with your performance. Because of this, we have extended the event duration 24 hours after the last spider. We are doing this because too many submits by the same player causes our rankings to not update and mistakes to be made. We are trying this new feature to make sure that no mistakes can happen when it comes to the final rankings!

If this features works well we will continue to do it this way, if not we will revert to the old way. Please leave your feedback in the event channel on Discord!
Thank you once again to all participants, and we can’t wait to see you in the next round of the Spider Competition! ❤️
Published: 11-10-2023