Fire with Charles & Khan
This guide is part of my article series on Prime League Illusion Builds for the Playoff section of IB Prime League.
If this build is not to your likeing, have a look at the rest of my builds on the main Prime League page.
This guide was made before the first battles in the playoffs have commenced. I have been busy in training grounds for the past week, crafting what I think will be the five strongest marches for the Playoffs of Illusion Battle Prime League.
You can find my five playoffs builds here:
1. Fire w. Charles & Khan
2. Earth-Wind Hybrid
3. Lightning w. Charles
4. Water w. Charles & Khan
5. Water w. Charles & Ignatius
As we have not yet had a playoff battle, I have no real IB data to go by. Therefore, I hope to see many of you trying out this build or one of my other playoffs-builds to report back with feedback and battlereports!
The build overview

This article is on fire with Charles and Khan. From running fire for most of IB Prime League Pre-League on my main account, I find that fire was the absolute best setup for pre-league. In particular, this setup was the best setup plain and simple didn’t loose to anything. However, with new Immortals and ToK passive skills available in the Playoff section of IB Prime League, we can now comfortably counter this setup using water – water was simply not viable in the pre-league.
How does this build work? With the removal of tech and VIP boosts crit is simply too low to resonably run chase setups.. unless you are doing fire! William and Fire Dragon means you can run Chase with great effect, and this build takes advantage of that.
Moreover, we rely on Charles strong shields and boosting the base damage of Immortal Ultimate abilities through William and a few auras. Mostly tho, with all the “new” ToK passives available, the game has shifted from a focus on Immortal native abilities towards more of a balance where ToK skills perform incredibly well and outperform the value of e.g. blessings and the minor Ultimate-ToK-booster passive types.
Lastly, this build uses Khan to make sure we keep wounds up on our enemies. We thus make sure that no one can play a healer-reliant sustain march to out-sustain the high nuke potential of our fire march. Moreover, Khan deals very solid damage and one of only two Immortals to enable Desire ToK passive to perform well.

Empress Wu: Annihilation + Chase + Spell Disintegration
Khan: Death Breath + Desire + Anger
Charles: Energy Suppression + Assist + Malice
William I: Weakness + Fighting Will + Rage Blessing
Strengths and weaknesses
This setup is a solid killer and what I will likely be relying on for my own battles. This march can kill pretty much everything. Only counter I fear are well crafted water setups – especially the hard-counter Water w. Charles & Ignatius I have made myself (see other guides). That thing is the only counter I have found to kill this setup consistently.
In conclusion, a strong march that will kill most everything. Amazing for single attacks since it is so damn strong itself, also can break multiple garrisons if you lead when rallying!
Published: 09-07-2022