Lightning w. Charles
This guide is part of my article series on Prime League Illusion Builds for the Playoff section of IB Prime League.
If this build is not to your likeing, have a look at the rest of my builds on the main Prime League page.
This guide was made before the first battles in the playoffs have commenced. I have been busy in training grounds for the past week, crafting what I think will be the five strongest marches for the Playoffs of Illusion Battle Prime League.
You can find my five playoffs builds here:
1. Fire w. Charles & Khan
2. Earth-Wind Hybrid
3. Lightning w. Charles
4. Water w. Charles & Khan
5. Water w. Charles & Ignatius
As we have not yet had a playoff battle, I have no real IB data to go by. Therefore, I hope to see many of you trying out this build or one of my other playoffs-builds to report back with feedback and battlereports!
The build overview

This article is on lightning with Charles. We know lightning to be a hefty damage dealer, with great kill potential and access to wounds debuff. Moreover, in Prime league it is one of only very few marche setups to have wounds. What is lacks is sustain power – well well well, not any more!
Peter is the only Immortal in the game to counter Charles’ shielding. We can confortably run Peter in this Setup since we have Charles ourselves to tank.
With the addition of Hammurabi to lightning, we are now also able to run the VERY strong magic ToK passives, like Spell Disintegrator and Stormeye.
Moreover, we rely on Charles strong shields and boosting the base damage of Immortal Ultimate abilities through William and a few auras. Mostly tho, with all the “new” ToK passives available, the game has shifted from a focus on Immortal native abilities towards more of a balance where ToK skills perform incredibly well and outperform the value of e.g. blessings and the minor Ultimate-ToK-booster passive types.
Lastly, this build uses Khan to make sure we keep wounds up on our enemies. We thus make sure that no one can play a healer-reliant sustain march to out-sustain the high nuke potential of our fire march. Moreover, Khan deals very solid damage and one of only two Immortals to enable Desire ToK passive to perform well.

Hammurabi: Annihilation + Stormeye + Spell Disintegration
Khan: Sniper + Desire + Anger
Charles: Energy Suppression + Assist + Malice
Peter: Weakness + Fighting Will + Death Breath
Strengths and weaknesses
This setup is a solid earth killer. With the high damage and wounds it eats through sustain setups quickly. Moreover, since we are running Charles ourselves, we are not weak to the wounds debuff from other Qin / Khan.
Wind setups are not a big problem for this team, with the added survivability from Charles, we can fight wind reasonably (we got wounds!). Big nuke fire setups are a problem… however, if you face the meta-fire build with Khan and Charles. This lightning team will do very well. In training grounds, atleast these two are toe-to-toe fighting each other.
In conclusion, a strong march that will kill most everything. Amazing for single attacks since it is so damn strong itself, also can break multiple garrisons if you lead when rallying!
Published: 09-07-2022