Ancient Tribe
Infinity Kingdom has a ton of cool city skins. You get skins from purchases during events, performance from in game activities such as contention of relics and/or Legion of Frostborne, Throne of the Supreeme, and so on. Castle Skins serve two purposes: (1) they provide unique buff effects to specific activities such as e.g. tech speed, dragon speed, combat buffs, recovery speed, resource collection rate, etc. and (2) they provide unique cosmetic effects that change the way your castle looks inside the game. The cosmetic effects work in all aspects of the game, any game mode, and provides some awesome customization to make youself more unique and your castle look.. well.. more awesome!

In this article we shall look to one of my personal favorite cosmetic skins in all of Infinity Kingdom: Ancient Tribe
What does Ancient Tribe do?
Every castle skin has unique beneficial effects, from building speed to rss gathering and troop HP. The Ancient Tribe provides you a 3% increase to your Action Point recovery rate. AP is the most limited resource we have in Infinity Kingdom and as such having more AP simple mean you can do more things throughout your day in Infinity Kingdom!

That being said, this skin is not one of the “best” skins purely based on it’s effect. 3% increased AP means that while you would normally regen 1 AP every 30 seconds. Translating into 120 AP / hour or 2880 AP per day without the skin effect active. With the skin you instead regen 123.6 AP / hour with the skin on a daily total of 2966.4 and thus only a 86.4 AP more with the skin active.

86 AP is not a lot, translates into roughly a single action more per day, which is very neglectable and not really worth using this skin when you compare it to the effects offered by other castle skins. However, this skin is still one of my favorites simple because the look and feel of it is awesome!

How to get it?
There is only one way to obtain this skin: (1) Hunting Festival and (2) Golden Path seasonal shop

This skin was first released with the very first version of the Hunting Festival which occur every May in Infinity Kingdom. During this seasonal event, players have been able to complete quests and practice with your bow and arrow to become Legendary Hunter and earn the Tribe Casle Skin. You should beware that these seasonal events tends to change every year, and as such I cannot give any guarantees as to how or if you will be able to collect this skin from the seasonal even when May comes around again.
However, lucky for you guys there is a place where you can be sure to collect this skin – in the Golden Path seasonal shop!
Golden Path
Ancient Tribe can be found in the last and first rotation of the Golden Path shop. You will be able to find it there somewhere around the december-february timeframe (changes slightly ever year and based on server).

This skin is available in the golden path rotation! Check out my article here to read more about the Castle skins offered via Golden Path as well as the full rotation.

Published: 23-03-23