Forbidden Zone Sovereign (CoR)
Infinity Kingdom has a ton of cool city skins. You get skins from purchases during events, performance from in game activities such as contention of relics and/or Legion of Frostborne, Throne of the Supreeme, and so on.
In this article we shall look to one of the most sought after skins of Infinity Kingdom: Forbidden Zone Sovereign

What does Forbidden Zone Sovereign do?
Every castle skin has unique beneficial effects, from building speed to rss gathering and troop HP. The Forbidden Zone Sovereign castle skin provides a 3% Damage boost when fighting against Gnomes. This makes it a quite powerful skin to add to your collection, since you will be spending a lot of time and effort raiding gnome armies to gather experiance points and enchanted stones for your Immortal’s and their equipment. Moreover, we are regularly sieging cities around Norheim and Legion of Frostborne where the gnomes garrisoning the pilars within the city walls can be quite rough to fight. Having 3% more damage will save you a bit of troops and help making your PvE activities a bit easier.

That being said, this is not the primary reason why almost all players want to own this skin! No no no, it is because of it’s absolutely beautiful cosmetic effects! Not only is this skin quite well make itself and in my opinion amongst the prettiest skins of all. In addition it is one of only a small handful of skins that also change the cosmetic skin of your armies marching on the field.

How to get it?
There is only one way to obtain this skin: Contention of Relics

Only the single Alliance that ranks no. 1 in the Contention of Relics are rewarded with a Forbidden Zone Sovereign castle skin. Moreover, the alliance has to meet certain criteria in order to be awared this skin as a reward.
- Rank 1st in the number of energy cubes collected
- Atleast obtain 200,000 energy cubes during the CoR event
Once you complete the above, your alliance leader will have 1 skin to award to a single player. This means, that your server only get 1 skin every Contention of Relics and as such, it can be quite difficult to obtain this skin. Atleast in some servers..
In old servers, most players have gotten their chance to gain the skin, but in newer and more competitive servers you need to be a valuable and highly regarded players in order to earn the reward of Forbidden Zone Sovereign. There are many different ways to distribute this unique reward and ultimately it falls upon your alliance leader (R6) to decide who and how this reward it awarded.
Golden Path
This skin is NOT available in the golden path rotation. Check out my article here to read more about the Castle skins offered via Golden Path as well as the full rotation.
Published: 25-02-23