Immortals in the Marketplace
In general, a market is a place where we may buy or swap goods we currently have in the game for new ones. Soul Crystals and Gems are items that we may trade. Spending gems and Purple Soul Crystals, we can purchase Immortal Fragments as well as speed ups and resources like gold.

You will see all of the Immortals you have unlocked and which are avilable in the marketplace by clicking on the icon in the marketplace interface.

This will bring you to the “Rules” page of the marketplace. Here you see all of the Immortals which you have unlocked and which therefore are available in the market (beware that not all Immortals appear in market once unlocked. Some are bundle exclusive, etc.).
You can also see the chance of getting fragments on each Immortal’s Icon picture.

The image above is a complete display of all that is accessible on the market, but you do not yet have the opportunity to get or swap it on the market. This is Because you haven’t obtained the immortal yet, you haven’t been able to obtain it!
Four types of Immortals
1. A super uncommon class with a proportion ranging from 1.85 percent to 2.7 percent.
2. Class is a very unusual proportion, ranging from 2.7 percent to 4.17 percent.
3. Classes are easy to find with a percentage of 4.17% to 6%
4. With a rate of more than 6%, classes are quite straightforward to discover.
Tips & Tricks
1. Buy immortal and then sell it directly if you don’t need it for missions. You get a lot of rewards from the marketplace purchase missions!
2. Buying an speeds when they come as a high-discount item is recommended.
3. NEVER upgrade an Immortal you are building past 5-stars. Once you hit 5/7 stars, the chance of this Immortal’s fragments to show up in the market drops significantly!
Published: 10-12-2022