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Mountain Barricade

Infinity Kingdom has a ton of cool city skins. You get skins from purchases during events, performance from in game activities such as contention of relics and/or Legion of Frostborne, Throne of the Supreeme, and so on. We have a new Dragon Castle skin coming to Norheim! Today the 15of june 2023 Infinity Kingdom releases a brand new skin with amazing bonuses.

Introducing the Mountain Baricade dragon Castle skin!

As for the cosmetic effect of this skin, it is in my opinion not a very pretty or well made skin. The click-effect roar is boring, lightning effects minimal and overall I feel they should have done better and more making the buildings cooler and the dragon bigger more prevelant. Not the best cosmetic skin and not one I will be using for it’s looks.

That being said, I am going to be getting this skin as quickly as I can simply because it’s effects are too good to pass on!

What does “Mountain Barricade” do?

Every castle skin has unique beneficial effects, from building speed to rss gathering and troop HP. The Mountain Barricade castle skin increases Honor gained by 5% AND increase the resource load max of troops 5%. It is following the line made by the development team on these unique element dragon skins hold not one but two seperate boosts.

This is an very good boost, especially for all of us engaged in honor farming. The old 3% skin is amazing and with an additional 2% on top we are going to get A LOT more value out of every troop killed.

Getting into the honor rankings of healthy servers is very competitive. Maintaining 100million honor requires 1 million honor per day just to stay at the same level (due to the 1% daily reduction mechanic). Getting 5% more honor is insanely strong and will be a must have effect for many playing the honor-game.

Troop skin cosmetics

So as with all these new dragon skins we also have a brand new and unique troop effect. Despite the somewhat underwhelming looks of the Castle skin itself, I actually find the troop cosmetic skin to be quite good looking. It is certainly a lot different than anything we have seen before and it somehow looks pretty good!

How to get it?

You have to purchase bundles (any bundles) which yield a total of 30K gems. It dosen’t matter what bundles you purchase, as long as there is a gem reward it counts towards your castle skin.

This means, that if you have not yet purchased gems with a bonus, this could be a good time.

In addition to the Castle skin, you are also recieving a few dragon crystals and some EXP scrolls. But nothing very special. The reward here is for sure the skin and it’s effect.

Bundles with gems

Most all bundles have gem rewards, but how to they scale?

Usually, a 5$ bundle yield 520 gems, a 10$ bundle yields 1,100 gems, a 20$ bundle yields 2,300 gems, a 50$ bundle yields 6,000 gems and a 99$ bundle yields 12,500 gems. These are the standard rewards and can be slightly different on special bundles.

Read more about shop bundles

1 USD = in Gems104.21 110.11115.06120.02125.01

As you can see, the more expensive bundles are finally worth buying! They offer a higher gem/USD spent reward.

Do however take note, that the contents of expensive bundle tiers is MUCH worse than the cheaper ones. Overall, it would still be FAR MORE value to purchase many small bundles despite the lower gem reward.

At an average cost between 104-125 gems per dollar you are doing to be spending around 240$ – 290$ to unlock the new Castle Skin.

Published: 15-16-2022