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Hunting Festival 2024

Infinity Kingdom: Hunting Festival 2024 Player Guide

The Hunting Festival 2024 is in full swing, bringing the usual seasonal event tabs with a mix of old and new rewards. In this guide, we’ll take a deep dive into each of the event tabs, compare the rewards to last year’s event, and provide insights on how to navigate the event efficiently.

Event Overview

Tab 1: Tribal Warrior

The Tribal Warrior tab features the familiar daily quests. Each day, three new quest chains unlock, rewarding you with event currency, gems, and other side rewards. Completing these daily quests earns you Event Points that count towards the five main event chests. Each chest contains Gem-Arrows and Stardust.

Unfortunately, unlike last year, there are no chaos fragments available this year. In 2023, players received Loki fragments for completing these quests. This year, the focus is solely on Stardust and arrows.

Tab 2: Hunting Festival Adventure

The Hunting Festival Adventure tab encourages players to engage in regular gameplay activities such as farming resources and raiding gnomes. Completing these tasks earns you the materials needed to craft free-to-play arrows, which are essential for progressing in the Legendary Hunter tab.

Tab 3: Legendary Hunter

In the Legendary Hunter tab, you use your arrows to hunt and progress through 40 levels on the event bar. The rewards in the free tier are minimal unless you reach level 40, where you can obtain a Unique Artifact. For spenders, there are valuable rewards including Epic Immortal Fragments, Stardust, and a few Crimson Moonlight items. The final reward at level 40 for spenders is 60 fragments for a holy or shadow immortal of your choice, which is quite appealing.

However, this year’s event has a significant change compared to last year. The development team removed the HP cap on levels. Last year, the animals’ HP capped at 550 from level 17 to level 40, making the event challenging but doable with gem-arrows. This year, the HP increases continuously without capping. For instance, at level 27, the HP is 1050, and it increases by 50 HP with each subsequent level. This results in a need for an exorbitant amount of gems to complete the event, making it less rewarding and less feasible to progress without heavy spending.

Overall, I cannot recommend spending the gems to progress through this event for anyone. You can get far more value out of your gems in almost every other activity and event in the game.

Strategy and Recommendations

Tribal Warrior Quests

  • Complete Daily Quests: Make sure to complete the daily quests to earn Event Points and progress towards the main event chests.
  • Focus on Gem-Arrows and Stardust: These are the primary rewards this year, so aim to maximize your gains from these chests.

Hunting Festival Adventure

  • Engage in Regular Activities: Continue farming resources and raiding gnomes to collect the materials needed for crafting arrows.
  • Efficient Farming: If you are going to be raiding gnomes for equipment and gems anyway, it is a good time to do so now, as you gain the arrow materials you will need for the hunting festival’s Legendary Hunter event tab. Get whatever you can from the free arrows and disregard the rest of the Legendary Hunter. It is not worth the gems this year.

Legendary Hunter

  • Maximize Free-to-Play Rewards: Given the high gem cost for progressing, focus on achieving as much as possible with the free-to-play resources.
  • Avoid Heavy Spending: Due to the removal of the HP cap, progressing through the event is significantly more costly. It is advisable to avoid spending large amounts of gems unless you are prepared for the high expenditure.
  • Assess Value: If you are considering spending, weigh the value of the rewards against the cost. The final spender rewards are attractive but ensure they align with your goals and resources.

Read more about completing the Legendary Hunter event here.


The Hunting Festival 2024 offers a mix of rewards, but changes in the event mechanics, particularly the removal of the HP cap, have made it more challenging for players to progress without heavy spending. Focus on maximizing the free-to-play rewards and carefully consider any expenditure in the Legendary Hunter tab. While the event may not be as rewarding as last year’s, strategic play can still yield valuable rewards.

We hope this guide helps you navigate the Hunting Festival 2024 efficiently. Happy hunting, and may your arrows fly true!

Published: 20-05-2024