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Player Guide: Dominating with the “Executioner” Skill in Infinity Kingdom

The recent patch has introduced significant changes to Infinity Kingdom, making the powerful “Executioner” skill more accessible to a broader range of players, including free-to-play (F2P) enthusiasts. This guide delves into the mechanics of “Executioner,” offering strategies to maximize its potential and detailing how to obtain this game-changing skill.

Understanding “Executioner”

Skill Description

“Executioner” is a physical damage skill with a unique mechanism: “After inflicting continuous damage 8 times, deal additional physical damage (damage rate 350%) to the entire enemy team and gain the execution effect, increasing damage dealt to targets with less than 30% troops by 50% for 6 seconds.” This skill not only provides a significant damage boost but also includes a debuff that makes it particularly effective at finishing off weakened enemies.

Strategic Implications

The true power of “Executioner” unfolds when it’s properly synergized within your lineup. It requires a setup that can reliably apply continuous damage, allowing for frequent activations of its devastating effects. This makes “Executioner” a must-have for any physical damage dealer, capable of escalating their damage output to extraordinary levels.

Synergizing “Executioner” for Maximum Impact

Ideal Immortal Pairings

  • Gilgamesh and Bathory: These immortals inherently apply continuous damage through their ultimate abilities, making them natural partners for “Executioner.”

The Blade Vortex Combo

  • Combining “Executioner” with “Blade Vortex” creates one of the most lethal damage setups in the game. “Blade Vortex,” known for its high DPS and continuous damage application, acts as the perfect trigger for “Executioner’s” effects, leading to unparalleled damage rates against enemy teams.

Application Across Physical Damage Dealers

  • While particularly effective on immortals with native continuous damage abilities, “Executioner” paired with “Blade Vortex” elevates the performance of any physical damage dealer, including Alexander, by significantly boosting their DPS.

Obtaining “Executioner”

Accessibility for F2P Players

With the introduction of the Triss shop and the ability to convert skill stones into Cinders, “Executioner” has become attainable for F2P players. Participation in events like Legion of Frostborne offers a straightforward path to accumulating the necessary Cinders for acquiring both “Executioner” and “Blade Vortex.”

A Note on Skill Stone Conversion

Players who have already unlocked all available skills in Legion of Frostborne may encounter a temporary lockout from earning Cinders through this method. It’s essential to strategize your skill stone conversions and purchases in the Triss shop accordingly, keeping an eye out for future updates that may address this issue.


“Executioner” dramatically reshapes the landscape of combat in Infinity Kingdom, offering players the ability to vastly increase their physical damage output through strategic skill synergy and immortal selection. By leveraging the enhanced accessibility of “Executioner” and pairing it with complementary skills like “Blade Vortex,” players can unlock devastatingly effective damage combinations. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, integrating “Executioner” into your lineup promises a significant boost to your competitive edge, cementing your place in the annals of Norheim’s history.

Published: 09-04-2024